Dolcetto needs more Recognition: Ode to the 100th Grape

I know that an ode is a lyrical verse. Well, I'm not that talented but it sounds great as a title. So don't expect me to break out in to a written rhyme.

I have done it. I have crossed the finish line. I didn't want to wait any longer. I can now say that, "I have tasted 100 different grape varieties."

Dolcetto was her name, a sometimes forgotten Italian grape. This grape has the body and the characteristics to be a regular date to any tomato based Italian dish. I know you have had Chianti with Italian food, and maybe a Sangiovese/Cabernet blend. However, Dolcetto should be the wine of choice for your everyday spaghetti with tomato sauce or with meat sauce. It has some acidity that you wouldn't expect from a red but it has the strength to push back on the tomato flavor.

I have been converted by this last grape in my journey. I don't think I will crave just any Italian wine with my spaghetti bolognese (meat sauce). Don't worry, the recipe is on it's way but I think after this discovery, it will be sooner rather than later. I think I have found the perfect match to a never-fail meat sauce and the bottles of wine can be under $20 dollars. There are a lot of brands but you will have to find the one you like. I had the Pio Cesare Dolcetto d'Alba.

I started this quest a little over 2 years ago and to see it come to a glorious end gets me thinking, "what now?" One hundred grapes down, how many more to go? Don't know. I do know I will continue to keep track of any new grapes and that I'll help my girlfriend get to a hundred. I'm excited to finish this quest but at the same time, sad to see it end.

Anonymous –   – (March 3, 2008 at 1:47 PM)  

Congratulations on reaching your goal of 100 grapes! I'm super impressed! I guess it's time to stock more varietals on the Wall.

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