2007 Santa Julia - Organica Torrontes

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Ah, Argentina's white grape. They are known for it like Germany is known for Rieslings. And this is no slouch. I paired the shrimp arrabbiata with this chilled white . Just a perfect match for this spicy dish. Mildly crisp, makes your mouth water but not like a pinot grigio. With some apple and nice fresh floral scent. It had a mildly vanilla flavor like a chardonnay but definitely not to be confused as one. Chill it and pop it open. We struggled to keep some in our glass since it went so well with the french bread too. Pick it up for 9-12 dollars depending on the shop.

I picked it up at the Mass Ave Wine Shoppe. A perfect little wine store with all the quirky, unique international grapes without the snobby price. And they sell stouts too so it's my kind of place.

approx. 120 calories per 5 oz serving

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